Laurent Grasso, Prêtre JÔMON, 2015, wood, 120 × 35 × 35 cm. Courtesy Edouard Malingue Gallery, Hong Kong.
Mori Art Museum is proud to present The Universe and Art, which will feature a diverse selection of around 200 works from across the globe and through the centuries, in multiple genres, from meteorites and fossils to historic astronomical material by Da Vinci and Galileo; mandalas; Taketori Monogatari (The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter), Japan's oldest sci-fi novel; installations by contemporary artists, and the latest from the frontlines of space development. Comprising four sections: How Have Humans through the Ages Viewed the Universe? The Universe as Space-Time, A New View of Life - Do Aliens Exist? and Space Travel and the Future of Humanity, the exhibition will offer novel, future-oriented views of the cosmos and mankind. For more information, please visit