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Peter Liversidge in The Edinburgh Art Festival

The Edinburgh Art Festival has invited Peter Liversidge, along with nine other artists that also exhibited in previous editions, to recognize the dates of what would have been their 2020 Festival. For his contribution, Liversidge revisits his 2013 commission, Flags for Edinburgh. The festival will be on view through August 30, 2020. In 2013, Peter Liversidge’s acclaimed Flags for Edinburgh encouraged buildings across the city to fly a white flag that simply read, HELLO. The project was designed to encourage over 50 Edinburgh institutions to replace their usual flags, in a profound gesture of universal welcome. Now, as Edinburgh gradually emerges from an extended period of isolation, Liversidge has again invited organizations and communities across the city to send a collective greeting to each other and the wider world, with HELLO flags flying from rooftops across the city, including the home of Edinburgh International Festival, The Hub, libraries, hotels, galleries, museums, consulates, government buildings, schools, and community parks. Alongside the project, Liversidge has created HELLO Postcards, a creativity kit for the festival‘s DIY Art series, which is available to download for free through their website. 

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