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Marina Abramović: Crystal Wall of Crying

The Holocaust Center will present the “Crystal Wailing Wall” on October 6, to the 80th anniversary of the Babi Yar tragedy. It will be one of the largest art objects in Europe built over the past decade.

“If you tune into the energy of the crystal, you will feel how the memory is able to rewind itself back. You just have to be strong enough to really feel this energy and the wall itself. It is not only a wall of crying over what happened, but also a wall of forgiveness. , because we need to learn to forgive. Forgiveness is liberation from the past and a new look at the future, “said Marina.

During World War II, Nazi troops used the Babiy Yar tract in the northwestern part of Kiev as a place for mass executions of civilians. On September 29, 1941, by order of the occupation administration, the entire Jewish population was obliged to report to Babi Yar, where more than 33 thousand people were shot until September 30. According to various estimates, from 70 thousand to 200 thousand people were killed there.